Hide/Show active user thumbnail in meeting

Hi, I want to show/hide the active user thumbnail video during the meeting,. How can I do that?

Which version?
Latest version

Hi @Bert_Leatherman,

Thanks for the post. Are you using Custom UI? If so, you should have the full control of the meeting UI so you could hide/show based on your use case.


What do you mean by Custom UI ? Actually we use the Zoom SDK to start the meeting with our own buttons for mic, video etc (with our toolbar)…But all other things are rendered by Zoom SDK like share screen, thumbnail video, user videos. There seems to be no APIs to hide/show active user thumbnail. How can I hide/show the active user thumbnail which is displayed by zoom sdk.

Hi @Bert_Leatherman,

Thanks for the reply. If you are using Zoom default UI, yes, currently we do not have an interface to hide the active user thumbnail.


Could you please let us know what is custom UI ? What can we achieve with it. Can we have a same working app like we have with zoom default UI ?

Also, could we please request the ability to hide and show the active-speaker video thumbnail in a future update? Thanks.

Hi @Bert_Leatherman,

The UI you are using is the Zoom default UI, which is the same meeting UI as you see on the Zoom client. The Custom UI is an option that allows you to not use the Zoom meeting UI elements, and draw your own meeting UI. You just need to tell SDK where and which UI element to render what kind of meeting view. You could have a try to enable the Custom UI option in our demo app and experience the difference.

Sure, I will forward the feature request.
