Homeworkify Tool Not Working During Zoom PR Meetings - what is the solution?

Hey everyone,

We’ve been encountering some issues with the Homeworkify

> (https://homeworkifyofficial.com/)

tool during our recent Zoom PR meetings. It seems that the tool is either not loading properly or crashing when we try to use it in the middle of our discussions. This has been particularly frustrating as it disrupts our workflow and delays our ability to collaborate effectively.

If you’re experiencing the same problem, here are a few troubleshooting steps that might help:

Clear Your Cache: Sometimes, cached data can cause conflicts. Clearing your browser cache might resolve the issue.
Update the Tool: Make sure you’re using the latest version of Homeworkify. Outdated versions might not be compatible with newer Zoom updates.
Check Zoom Settings: Ensure that your Zoom permissions are correctly set up to allow third-party tools to function.
We’re actively looking into this and working with the Homeworkify team to identify the root cause. If you have any additional insights or workarounds, please share them here.

Thanks for your patience!

I also want to integrate the Homeworkify and zoom to my client website which is . We have different brazilian courier companies listed on the website. our main goal is to use the zoom on our website like the fiverr is using? how can i do it

Hi everyone,

Thanks for sharing these troubleshooting steps. I’ve also encountered similar issues with the Homeworkify tool during Zoom meetings, and it’s been quite disruptive.

In my experience, ensuring that all third-party tools are up to date is crucial. I faced a similar situation with a different project, where a website was having speed and compatibility issues due to outdated elements. After updating the theme, everything started running smoothly. You can check out the project here: Todos Correios

Hopefully, the Homeworkify team can resolve this soon. In the meantime, clearing the cache and checking Zoom settings as you’ve suggested should help mitigate the problem.

Thanks for staying on top of this!