How can a bot join a meeting without a password and request recording permission manually?


For Linux, Meeting SDK

I’d like to know if a bot can join a meeting and manually request recording permission without the need for a meeting password. If so, could you provide the detailed steps for an enterprise admin?

@seungkoo I’m not sure what you might be asking.

Typically a recording bot will join a meeting using the meeting number and password.

For the recording part, you can either request from the host for recording rights, or you can get a recording token via server to server oauth app. This recording token will allow the bot to get the rights in advance, essentially skipping the need for manual approval.

@chunsiong.zoom I have a recording bot and I want to join meetings using just the meeting number, without needing a password. For instance, if one of our company users creates a meeting link without a password, can the bot join that meeting with just the meeting number and then request recording permission from the host manually?

You can use “join url” to join meeting instead of using meeting ID and password

@seungkoo yes you can join a meeting without password, and then request the host for recording permissions

@chunsiong.zoom I used the join parameter below to access a meeting without a password, but the meeting status remains stuck at MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING. Do you have any suggestions?

I’m working with the Linux meeting SDK.

    JoinParam joinParam;

    JoinParam4WithoutLogin &param = joinParam.param.withoutloginuserJoin;

    param.meetingNumber = meetingNumber;
    param.userName = userName;
    param.psw = nullptr;
    param.vanityID = nullptr;
    param.customer_key = nullptr;
    param.webinarToken = nullptr;
    param.isVideoOff = true;
    param.isAudioOff = false;
    param.join_token = nullptr;
    param.isMyVoiceInMix = false;
    param.isAudioRawDataStereo = false;
    param.app_privilege_token = nullptr;
    param.userZAK = nullptr;

If i tried to use “join_token”, i did get MEETING_STATUS_FAILED with result=65535. does join_token requires any account settings or bot settings ?

@seungkoo can you set the psw as “” instead of nullptr?

@chunsiong.zoom setting psw to “” didn’t help. it’s still stuck at MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING.

Hey Seungkoo, if you’re looking to have a bot join a meeting without a password and manually request recording permission, you might want to check out the API.

It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video/metadata from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots.

Here are the API docs:

@chunsiong.zoom Can i use ZAK to join a meeting and ask recording permission ?

@seungkoo the ZAK token is used to authenticate the bot as a specific user. You will still need to provide the meeting number and password (if any)

@chunsiong.zoom meeting number is provided. with ZAK, my bot can join and record the meeting without password. can you double check if password is really needed ? ZAK works for password meeting and no-password meeting. I just want to join the meeting with ZAK but want to get a recording permission from host. is it possible ?

@seungkoo before we jump in to this. This might be an account setting on your side.

Can you try putting in your own meeting number, for this URL?

Try to join a meeting without signing in and without a password. If this does not work, it means that there is a security setting which requires participants of your meeting to authenticate before they can join

@chunsiong.zoom I don’t see any link. I am able to join a meeting without password but meeting id, client id, client secret and ZAK.


There is a setting in zoom account which requires a user to be signed in before they can join the hosted meeting.

If this is the case, a Bot with a ZAK token is similar to a Bot who is signed in.

So there is a possibility your issue is not due a passwordless meeting, but due to a setting which requires all guest who joins the meeting to sign in.

@chunsiong.zoom I’d like to establish this requirement at the organizational level. Could you provide some examples of the settings?

@seungkoo this link has more details. There are 2 parts to it.

First part talks about different security settings
Second part talks about enforcing at least 1 security setting