How Can I check user end/leave the meeting in IOS Sdk?

How Can I check user end/leave the meeting in IOS Sdk? I found Delegate calls “onMeetingStateChange”. And Status is equals to “MobileRTCMeetingState_Idle” . So I check for same for every time when call end or leave.

Hi Nilesh,

If you want to check the meeting status based on user end/leave, that’s the correct approach to do that. Idle means no one is in the meeting currently. 


Hi Nilesh_Phadtare

you can implement the below method to check user leave/join the meeting:


@brief The function will be invoked once the user joins the meeting.

@return The ID of user who joins the meeting.


  • (void)onSinkMeetingUserJoin:(NSUInteger)userID;


@brief The function will be invoked once the user leaves the meeting.

@return The ID of user who leaves the meeting.


  • (void)onSinkMeetingUserLeft:(NSUInteger)userID;

If you want to check if the meeting is over, u can implement the method:


@brief Meeting is ended by some reasons.

@param reason The reason why meeting is ended.


  • (void)onMeetingEndedReason:(MobileRTCMeetingEndReason)reason;
