How Can i publish new APP in ZoomMarket place

We Have a doubt in market place APP Creation, what should be the redirect URI given.

When we try to make one of our APP to production APP, we were not able to create publish the APP in the market place.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. In the App we have entered all the required data.
  2. when we try to publish the app, it redirects to the redirect uri which says “site not reached”.
  3. what should be the proper redirect URI we should give to publish the APP in the market place.

so we are unable to publish the app in the zoom marketplace. please help us create a app in zoom market place.

Hey @vijay.kumar, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

The redirect URI is the location where your users will be taken after they install your app.

Zoom will add a code to the url in which you can use to request an access_token for the user who just installed your app.

Can you please provide a screenshot of the error/issue you are running into?
