How do I download a Cloud Recording that has a recording_play_passcode (without user interaction)?

To download a Cloud Recording that has a recording_play_passcode without user interaction, you will need to use the Zoom API and a programming language such as Python to automate the process.

Here are the general steps to download a Cloud Recording:

  1. Use the Zoom API to get the recording details, including the download_url and recording_play_passcode.
  2. Use the download_url and recording_play_passcode to generate a download link for the recording.
  3. Use a Python library such as requests to download the recording from the generated link.

Here’s an example Python code snippet that demonstrates how to download a Cloud Recording using the Zoom API:
import requests

Replace these values with your own API credentials and recording ID

zoom_api_key = ‘YOUR_API_KEY’
zoom_api_secret = ‘YOUR_API_SECRET’
recording_id = ‘YOUR_RECORDING_ID’

Use the Zoom API to get the recording details

url = f’{recording_id}/recordings
headers = {‘Authorization’: f’Bearer {zoom_api_key}.{zoom_api_secret}'}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
recording = response.json()[‘recording_files’][0]

Use the download_url and recording_play_passcode to generate a download link

download_link = f’{recording[“download_url”]}?access_token={recording[“recording_access_token”]}&playback_access_token={play_passcode}’

Download the recording using the generated link

with open(‘my_recording.mp4’, ‘wb’) as f:
response = requests.get(download_link)

Note that you will need to replace the zoom_api_key , zoom_api_secret , recording_id , and play_passcode values with your own API credentials and recording details.