How do I publish my JWT app?

We have created a JWT app. Now we want to make it available to our customers in the marketplace. How do we do that?

Which App?

Hi, I’m a newbie so I may be totally wrong, but I don’t think you can “publish” JWT Apps. Those apps are meant for server to server interaction, so you can just enable/disable them. User’s can’t “install” them in the classic way I suppose, since the interacting parties are expected to be servers.

But I’ll leave the answer to the experts.

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Hi @bragma/@marc,

You cannot publish a JWT app as it is intended for internal server to server usage only. To publish an app, you will need to create an OAuth app[1].

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Hi Michael, I don’t think I understand. The app we have built is for server-to-server communications. Our customers would like our app to automatically schedule events in Zoom.

Your documentation even states:

Tip: If you’re looking to build an app that provides server-to-server interaction with Zoom APIs to manage your account, you may want to build an app using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) instead.


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Hey @marc,

JWT is for managing your own account, not external Zoom accounts.

If you want to manage external Zoom accounts on their behalf, you can create an OAuth app and use the OAuth flow.



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Hi @tommy,

We have now refactored our integration to use OAuth. Now we want to publish the app to the marketplace. Our customers all have custom hostnames. Will the customer be able to change the Redirect URL for OAuth and whitelist URL for his app installation?


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Hi @marc, users will not be able to change Redirect URLs or whitelisted URLs.

There is a way to provide dynamic redirects. @tommy walks through it here: