How do I release an app on AppStore or PlayStore if Zoom Marketplace doesn't approve of unlaunched apps in the first place?


This is more of a general question rather than a coding question. I am making an iOS and Android app that needs users to log in to their Zoom accounts and enable Meeting or Webinar creations. In this app, I need to integrate, using “Oauth”, a user into their Zoom accounts so that other users can book appointments with them via Zoom too.

However as I created a Zoom App for private integration within my app, I am reading and seeing the warnings/documentations saying that ONLY I can use the API integration until the app is made public on Zoom Marketplace (which requires Zoom’s approval).

How can I submit an app to the AppStore or PlayStore if the app testers (from Apple or Google) see that Zoom integration doesn’t work for their own accounts? Will they not check for this? I feel like this is sort of a catch-22 problem. I can’t get my app approved on AppStores/PlayStores if Zoom integration doesn’t work and I can’t get my approved by Zoom Marketplace if the iOS or Android app doesn’t work?

Any help or guidance would be highly appreciated/

Hi @BunkBedNoob,

Good question—to clarify, it will be required to have your OAuth App/integration reviewed and approved by our marketplace team for public publishing, in order to make it accessible to users outside of your account and use as part of a 3rd party integration. It’s not possible to do this with a private app.

Thank you,

Hey Will,

Thanks for your response but I’m still confused about what to do?

Is it possible for me to give a private invitation link to the app (before I launch it to AppStore and PlayStore) to Zoom Marketplace staff for reviewing before I submit the application for launch on iOS or Android?

Also how long does it take on average for Zoom Marketplace to accept an application if everything is done accordingly?


Hi @BunkBedNoob ,

Is it possible for me to give a private invitation link to the app (before I launch it to AppStore and PlayStore) to Zoom Marketplace staff for reviewing before I submit the application for launch on iOS or Android?

I’m afraid not—your app must be published publicly on the Zoom Marketplace.

Also how long does it take on average for Zoom Marketplace to accept an application if everything is done accordingly?

This depends on the amount of feedback our Marketplace team has—the standard review time is 7-10 business days, but does not include time you may need to implement feedback.


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