How do you change languages in electron sdk?

How do you change languages in electron sdk?

Thanks for using zoom sdk.
Please refer to InitSDK : function (opts) in the file zoom_sdk.js. In the line 115, it is
var ret = addon.InitSDK(path,webdomain,langid,onApiCallResult,_threadsafemode)
The ‘langid’ is used to define the language you want to use.
Also please refer to the defination of ZoomSDK_LANGUAGE_ID for the details of the supporting languages.

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I set the ID of the language and it doesn’t work in the electron SDK.

Well, it seems you are using MAC. Please ignore my comment. It is related to windows electron sdk.

What should I do in Mac? Who should I ask??

Please refer to api ‘- (ZoomSDKError)setPreferLanguage:(NSString *)preferLanguage’ in ZoomSDK.h.