Zoom-macsdk-electron issues

hi team:
electron . works well
when i packaged 
it throwed error 

ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘/Users/myName/Documents/project/desktop/demo/node_modules/ZoomSDK/ZoomSDKChatUI.framework/Modules’

and another question,init config langid ditnot work ! 

Hi UMU Team,

I will send you a test package to solve this issue.


the test package has the same problem
no such file or directory, /Users/myName/Documents/project/desktop/demo/node_modules/ZoomSDK/curl64.framework/Modules/Modules’

and langid no useful
how can i change the language @zoom

my emali duanjun@umu.com

Hi UMU Team,

For Mac Electron SDK, we didn’t provide localization.


After creating empty directory of Modules in both ZoomSDK/curl64.framework/Versions/Current/ and ZoomSDK/ZoomSDKChatUI.framework/Versions/Current/ , I could package the app, so I would like to share it.

I’m stacking other issues now, so I will open another ticket.



I also had problems.

App threw an error during load
Error: Dynamic Linking Error: dlopen(/Users/yyl/www/zoom-macsdk-electron/node_modules/ZoomSDK/util.framework/util, 1): image not found
at new DynamicLibrary (/Users/yyl/www/zoom-macsdk-electron/demo/node_modules/ffi/lib/dynamic_library.js:74:11)
at Object.dlopen (/Users/yyl/www/zoom-macsdk-electron/demo/node_modules/nodobjc/lib/core.js:99:12)
at Object.importFramework (/Users/yyl/www/zoom-macsdk-electron/demo/node_modules/nodobjc/lib/import.js:308:60)
at Function.framework (/Users/yyl/www/zoom-macsdk-electron/demo/node_modules/nodobjc/lib/index.js:225:18)
at Object. (/Users/yyl/www/zoom-macsdk-electron/lib/mac/zoomsdk_bridge.js:15:9)
at Object. (/Users/yyl/www/zoom-macsdk-electron/lib/mac/zoomsdk_bridge.js:98:3)
at Module._compile (module.js:642:30)
at Object.Module._extensions…js (module.js:653:10)
at Module.load (module.js:561:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:504:12)

What installation steps did you use? Have you copy all libs in ZoomSDK folder to ./node_modules/electron/dist/Electron.app/Contents/Frameworks?

yes i do.
install by https://github.com/zoom/zoom-macsdk-electron

Marked as solved.
