How do you know if you have assistant rights on the fly?

I am trying to find out if I have assistant rights at a given moment. I know you can listen to the delegate callbacks for when you obtain them/lose them, but I want use something like “if hasAssistantRights, do X”. Is this possible?

In iOS, we found this works by just checking if the assistantController is nil, but when I try this on macos, the assistantController always returns a non-nil. In swift we get this warning:
“Comparing non-optional value of type ‘ZoomSDKBOMeetingAssistant’ to ‘nil’ always returns true”

Which macOS Meeting SDK version?
5.9.6 and earlier

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. Apple MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1)]
  • OS: [e.g. macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 ]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hi @BrobaFett,

Currently the only way to check whether or not you have the admin role is through the callback you mentioned.


Hey @jon.zoom,

Ok thank you for confirming!


One more question (hopefully). On iOS, there is an interface MobileRTCBOUser. I could not find an equivalent on MacOS. Are we supposed to just handle users as generic meeting users in MacOS? Or am I just not able to find the MacOS version?


Hi @BrobaFett,

It depends on what you are looking to do with the information. The ZoomSDKBOMeetingDataHelp class provides access to some data. If there is anything in particular you are looking for access to which is not provided by that class, let me know and I can offer alternatives.


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