Macos SDK, meetinglocked

I have some issues:
In a meeting,how a participant know it when the host locked the meeting.
In MacOS SDK,how a host “setMuteAudioWhenJoinMeeting” just like in MobileRTC.framework.

I use

[[[[ZoomSDK sharedSDK] getSettingService] getAudioSetting] enableMuteMicJoinVoip:YES];

but it doesn`t work

how a host spotlight others video,just like in MobileRTC.framework

  • (BOOL)spotlightVideo:(BOOL)on withUser:(NSUInteger)userId;
  1. One participant already in the meeting will not be notified when the host locked meeting, only the one who is join the meeting, will receive the callback delegate “- (void)onMeetingStatusChange:(ZoomSDKMeetingStatus)state meetingError:(ZoomSDKMeetingError)error EndReason:(EndMeetingReason)reason” with param error is ‘ZoomSDKMeetingError_MeetingLocked’.

2.’- (ZoomSDKError)enableMuteMicJoinVoip:(BOOL)enable’ is the right api, you need call this before start/join meeting, also this is only can work when you are using computer audio. What do you mean it’s doesn’t work?

3.’- (ZoomSDKError)actionMeetingWithCmd:(ActionMeetingCmd)cmd userID:(unsigned int)userID onScreen:(ScreenType)screen’ with param cmd is ‘ActionMeetingCmd_SpotlightVideo’.

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thanks for your apply

Thanks for your reply Derain.

I can’t see

“(ZoomSDKError)actionMeetingWithCmd:(ActionMeetingCmd)cmd userID:(unsigned int)userID onScreen:(ScreenType)screen’ with param cmd is ‘ActionMeetingCmd_SpotlightVideo’.”

referenced anywhere in the MacOSX SDK: - can you help me find where the documentation to enable spotlighting from an app is in the Mac SDK?

Hi dom,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. The interface actionMeetingWithCmd allows you to perform different actions in the meeting(, and you may find the available command here:

Hope this helps. Thanks!

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