How to bypass user name of logged in zoom user with uname param

I am using the below url to join in meeting:<meet_id>/join?fromPWA=1&uname=<username>

Earlier I was not logged in to my zoom account and used this and custom username worked fine, but now I am logged in and it is taking default zoom username not the uname.

Is there a way to bypass/overwrite uname for logged in user using param like uname ?

Hi @vinamra.sareen
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our Community!
Have you been able to troubleshoot this on your end?

Instead of using the mentioned approach, I am now using meeting sdk’s functionality and passing custom username with role 0 (participant) to get it working.

Can you help on this ?

Just wanted an api or something to check if zoom app is installed always open it, otherwise process with browser (using meeting sdk).


Hi @vinamra.sareen
Thanks for getting back to me.
Unfortunately, we do not have an endpoint that will allow you to check if the Zoom Client is installed on a user’s computer.

Oh Okay, @elisa.zoom another question, Is it posssible to disable preview screen for this url.


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Can this be done? Thanks