How to create a Zoom Event with Published state using API

I am able to create Zoom Event using …/zoom_events/events API.
But the Zoom Event gets created in Draft state, It has to be published using API or It has to be published while creation itself.
Can any one please let me know how to do this using API, I have tried both POST and PATCH methods to update the Event as Published but no luck.
Please confirm, whether that is possible using API.

Certainly! You can create a Zoom Event using the /zoom_events/events API, but by default, the event is created in a Draft state. To publish the event, you need to use the PATCH method with the appropriate endpoint. Specifically, you’ll want to update the event’s status to “published” using the PATCH request. If you’ve already tried both POST and PATCH methods without success, ensure you’re using the correct endpoint and that your request body includes the proper parameters. Unfortunately, publishing the event during creation is not supported directly through the creation API call.

Hi @archie03000 thanks for chiming in! They’re correct @rajkumar.thangaraj


I am using the correct end point and the expected parameters for the API. Still is not updated, other fields are getting updated like name.

Please assist me to fix the issue.



Hi @rajkumar.thangaraj referring to your initial post, you cannot publish events via API