How to enable Chat sounds when somebody leaves a message?


I have checked the changelog and for version 1.8.0, there is a mention of the chat sounds when a participant raises the hand
" * Added support to play sound for when a user enters or leaves a meeting, chat messages and raise hand."
How can we enable this and would the co-host too hear the sound?

Hey @developer21,

It should be enabled by default with version 1.8.0 and above. Are you not hearing the sounds?


No, Tommy. We are waiting for this feature for a while and when we tested it out (as part of the v1.8.0 upgrade), we did not hear any sound. We were wondering if we have missed out on any config.

Hey @developer21,

Would you be able to share your implementation of the Web SDK (minus any private info like your API Secret Keys) via a Github repo so I can reproduce and debug the issue locally?


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