How to get meeting captions separated by a person during the meeting using websdk?

We have a web app for running Zoom meetings. We use @zoomus/websdk npm package.
How to get meeting captions separated by a person during the meeting using websdk?

Browser Console Error

Which Web Meeting SDK version?
"@zoomus/websdk": "^2.15.2",

Meeting SDK Code Snippets

To Reproduce(If applicable)


Troubleshooting Routes

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Hi @zoomdevts
Thanks for reaching out to us!
I do not think that you can get meeting captions separated by the person during a meeting right now.
You will get captions for all participants in the meeting.

Hi @elisa.zoom , thank you for your comment. I have 2 questions then:

  1. how can we get meeting captions directly from @zoomus/websdk/embedded for web app client? I saw there is a client even called caption-message, should we use that and will it has all captions? I can’t find any examples.
  2. does @zoomus/websdk have active speaker information? for example, there are 3 participants and I want to know who exactly speaks right now using @zoomus/websdk. how can I do it?

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