How to get Meeting title when Joining manually by entering Meeting id and password without login


  1. User will join a meeting by entering Meeting id and Password manually
  2. We need to set the meeting title on the top bar and for that, I need to call customizeMeetingTitle method as shown below
    MobileRTCMeetingService *ms = [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getMeetingService];
    [ms customizeMeetingTitle:title];
  3. My question is from where I can get a title for a meeting user joining
    Cause while joining we don’t have a meeting title as a user is manually entering meeting id and password.

Which iOS Client SDK version?
MobileRTC Version: 5.5.1 (12511.0421)


**Solution Attempt **
I tried calling zoom meeting API to get meeting information but it gives the following response because the meeting is created on the Zoom Client app on Mac and is not by using our zoom account.
code = 3001;
message = “Meeting does not exist: 2********4.”;
settings = {
“contact_email” = “”;

Hey @saas,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

The reason your solution did not work is for security/privacy of users. To start/create/get info about meetings that belong to a user who is not on your zoom account you must create an Oauth application:


Thanks for the quick reply,
Will I be able to get information about other user’s meeting even when I am not logged in, cause in our case user is not logged in to zoom, user simply joins meeting by entering meeting id and password.
and when meeting joined successfully we simply want to display title of that meeting on topbar.

Any other way to get the meeting title when joining manually by meeting id and password?

Hey @saas,

I do not believe there is a way to get the meeting title before joining without using the API, unfortunately.


Will I be able to get information about other user’s meetings even when I am not logged in, cause in our case user is not logged in to zoom, a user simply joins the meeting by entering the meeting id and password.
and when meeting joined successfully we simply want to display a title of that meeting on the topbar.

Hey @saas,

I do not believe there is a way to get the meeting title before joining without using the API, unfortunately. You would have to sign in to obtain your meeting information, get the meeting title from an invite, or create an OAuth application and have the user sign in to give your application access to their meeting information.


Thanks @Michael_Condon for the Confirmation

Hey @saas,

You are welcome, please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help.


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