How to get short meeting password?


Method IMeetingInfo.GetMeetingPassword always return a long version password.
Is there any interface can get the password same as zoom client?
I went over the sdk document but can’t find any related information.


Hi mandandt,

Thanks for the post. We tried to use the same method to reproduce this but we get the normal version of the password. Could you provide the SDK version you are using? Are you using native Windows SDK, C# wrapper or Electron SDK?


Hi Carson_Chen

I’m using native Windows SDK v4.3.47204.0325.
For example,For meeting with password abcdef, IMeetingInfo.GetMeetingPassword returns ZkxVZ3BLQi9XTVNVMzJRcmUxeGJmUT09. There’s no problem with joining meeting by the long version password.


Hi mandandt,

Thanks for the reply. Could you have a try with our latest version: v4.4.55968.0904. We do not observe the same behavior with the latest version.


Hi Carson_Chen

We tried the newest SDK version v4.4.55968.0904, and the problem can also be reproduced.
We modified CSDKLoggedInUIWorkFlow::onMeetingStatusChanged in sample code sdk_demo_v2_2017 to following code

void CSDKLoggedInUIWorkFlow::onMeetingStatusChanged(ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::MeetingStatus status, int iResult)
auto info = m_pMeetingService->GetMeetingInfo();
if (info && status == ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::MeetingStatus::MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING) {
MessageBox(NULL, info->GetMeetingPassword(), L"", MB_OK);
if (NULL != m_pLoggedInFlowUIEvent)
m_pLoggedInFlowUIEvent->onMeetingStatusChanged(status, iResult);

and we got the long version password.
Could you please confirm the reproduction steps.


Hi mandandt,

Thank you very much for the detail. I have passed this info to our engineering team and I will let you know if I have any updates.
