Password dialog pops up intermittently

I am using Windows C++ SDK to join zoom meetings that require password. I am using LoginType::LoginType_Email (i.e. logged in user) to join the meeting and setting the meeting password in JoinParam by setting joinParam.param.apiuserJoin.psw field to the long password that is available in a zoom meeting url as a request parameter (ex.<meeting-password>). This works most of the time, but sometimes, it pops up the dialog to enter the meeting password (screenshot attached). As far as I have observed, it occurs when joining the same meeting multiple times using the same login credentials by launching our zoom app (created using windows C++ sdk) with same parameters on different windows instances.

Which version?


Additional context

Hi Rishi_Sharma,

Thanks for the post. Could you provide a log for the issue you are facing?


I don’t have log output configured for SDK, so I don’t get any logs from SDK. Can you tell me how to configure SDK to output logs to STDOUT so that I can help you with the logs when I face the issue again.

Hi Rishi_Sharma,

Thanks for the reply. To enable the log feature in SDK:

  1. Set the InitParam.enableLogByDefault to be true like the following:
 ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::InitParam initParam;
initParam.strWebDomain = strWebDomain.c_str();
initParam.strSupportUrl = L""; 
initParam.enableLogByDefault = true;
m_bSDKInit = CSDKHelper::Init(initParam);
  1. Then build and run the SDK app, once the issue occurs, after the app finish its lifecycle, you may find the SDK log under the path: %appData%/zoomsdk/logs/

Hope this helps. Thanks!

1 Like

Hi Carson,

Thank you very much for helping me out to enable the logs for zoom sdk. Is there any way to customize the name of the generated log file so that I can identify the log file corresponding to a specific meeting ?

Hi Rishi_Sharma,

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, we are not able to customize the name of the generated log. If you have concerned about sharing your log file in the public, you could send me a in-forum private message or send the log file to

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Hi Carson,

Thank you for the reply. Also, the log files are rotated and 5 files are being kept. Is it possible to increase the number of log files to be kept ?

Thank You,
Rishi Sharma

Hi Rishi,

Thanks for the reply. The number of log files cannot be changed at the moment, but you can change the file size of each log file, the default log size would be 5M, and you can change it to up to 50M per file using

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Hi Carson,

The log files generated seems to be in encrypted form. Is there any way that we can read the logs of SDK, or do we need to send it zoom support only for analysis ?

Thank You,
Rishi Sharma

Hi Rishi_Sharma,

Yes, the log is encrypted for protecting your data privacy and security. Please send the logs to us so we can further help you on this.
