How to return to the meeting screen when the host closes the breakout room

How can the user return to the meeting screen when the host closes the breakout room?

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)

  1. Start MobileRTCSample and set Custom Meeting to On.
  2. Join the meeting.
  3. The host adds the user to the breakout room.
  4. Join the breakout room.
  5. The host closes all breakout rooms.

The user does not return to the meeting screen.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • OS: iOS 13.5

When the host closes all breakout rooms,
SDKStartJoinMeetingPresenter.onLostAttendeeRightsNotification is called.

In SDKStartJoinMeetingPresenter.onLostAttendeeRightsNotification,
I wrote the following code to exit the breakout room.

MobileRTCBOAttendee *attendee = [[[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getMeetingService] getAttedeeHelper];
[attendee leaveBO];

attendee was nil and couldn’t leave the breakout room.

Hi @t.yamamoto,

The interfaces that are related to breakout room currently do not support Custom UI. So under the Custom UI mode, when the host ends the breakout room, the attendee is not able to retrieve the MobileRTCBoAttendee to leave the breakout room. I have forwarded this to the engineering team and we will enhance the breakout room support in the Custom UI mode.


Hi Carson,
Thanks for the reply.

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Let me know if any other questions. Thanks!