How to start a scheduled meeting in android

I am using zoom SDK in the sample project there is scheduled meeting Activity (PreMeetingExampleActivity) and I added a button to the list to be able to start the meeting but I don’t know the right syntax for that I used StartMeetingParams but it starts a different meeting than the scheduled one
thanks in advance

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Hi @huda.anwar94, thanks for the post.

When starting a scheduled meeting, keep in mind that (depending on meeting settings) you may need to authenticate using the account that scheduled the meeting.

Once you’ve confirmed that, you can start a scheduled meeting through MeetingService#startMeeting with an instance of StartMeetingParams4NormalUser.

If you need to retrieve the meeting number for the schedule meeting you’re trying to start, you can retrieve the MeetingItem for a specific meeting with the meeting’s unique ID with the following code:

// Retrieve the MeetingItem
MeetingItem item = ZoomSDK.getPreMeetingService().getMeetingItemByUniqueId(meetingId);
// Get the meeting number
long meetingNumber = item.getMeetingNumber();
// Get the meeting password if applicable
String password = item.getPassword();

Lastly, if you are unsure of how to get the meeting ID for a scheduled meeting, that comes from PreMeetingServiceListener#onListMeeting through the meetingList param.


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