I cannot find scope calendar:read and calendar:admin in the list of zoom scopes for OAuth App

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I’m submitting this ticket to understand why I cannot find the certain scopes I need from the list of Scopes in my app. These are the current scopes that I have in my JWT token:

"user:read:list_users:admin user:read:user:admin user:read:summary:admin meeting:read:list_meetings:admin meeting:read:meeting:admin meeting:read:list_registrants:admin meeting:read:past_meeting:admin meeting:read:list_past_participants:admin meeting:read:participant:admin meeting:read:chat_message:admin meeting:read:list_upcoming_meetings:admin dashboard:read:chat:admin dashboard:read:meeting:admin dashboard:read:list_meeting_participants:admin dashboard:read:list_meetings:admin cloud_recording:read:list_account_recordings:admin cloud_recording:read:list_user_recordings:admin cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files:admin cloud_recording:read:recording:admin calendar:read:event:admin calendar:read:color:admin calendar:read:acl:admin calendar:read:list_events:admin calendar:read:list_acl:admin calendar:read:instance_event:admin calendar:read:calendar:admin archiving:read:archive_files:admin"

It is also important to note that I am an admin of my account.

When I call the mentioned endpoint, I get this error:

    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:["calendar:read:admin","calendar:read"]"

After receiving this error, I naturally went to look for the missing scopes in the scope list under my app configuration. However, I did not find either of these scopes listed there. I selected all the available scopes under “Calendar”, and still running into issues. Where and how can I find these two scopes and add them to my authorization token?

I also looked into solutions online in Zoom Support forums and they mentioned something regarding Role, under User Management, however I do not see that in my Admin view.

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Hey, i met the same problem. do u finally find the solution?

is that a bug? can any zoom’s programmer answer that? plz


Having the same issue hitting this endpoint: v2/calendars/users/me/calendarList

“code”: 104,
“message”: “Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[“calendar:read:admin”,“calendar:read”]”

These scopes don’t seem to be available to setup in my app.

Hello, did you figure out this? I get the same error. I’ve tried to add all calendar related scopes…

    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:["calendar:read:admin","calendar:read"]"

“access_token”: “**************",
“token_type”: “bearer”,
“expires_in”: 3599,
“scope”: "user:read:list_users:admin user:read:list_schedulers:admin user:delete:scheduler:admin user:read:list_schedulers:master user:delete:scheduler:master contact_group:delete:group:admin contact_group:read:list_groups:admin contact_group:write:member:admin contact_group:read:group:admin contact_group:read:list_members:admin contact_group:update:group:admin contact_group:write:group:admin contact_group:delete:member:admin contact_group:delete:group:master contact_group:read:list_groups:master contact_group:write:member:master contact_group:read:group:master contact_group:read:list_members:master contact_group:update:group:master contact_group:write:group:master contact_group:delete:member:master contact:read:list_contacts:admin scheduler:write:insert_schedule:admin scheduler:read:get_schedule:admin scheduler:read:list_schedule:admin scheduler:write:availability:admin scheduler:read:availability:admin scheduler:read:list_availability:admin scheduler:read:scheduled_event:admin scheduler:read:list_scheduled_events:admin scheduler:write:single_use_link:admin scheduler:read:user:admin calendar:read:event:admin calendar:read:color:admin calendar:read:acl:admin calendar:update:event:admin calendar:read:list_events:admin calendar:write:calendar:admin calendar:read:list_acl:admin calendar:update:acl:admin calendar:write:acl:admin calendar:write:move_event:admin calendar:write:import_event:admin calendar:write:event:admin calendar:delete:event:admin calendar:write:watch_acl:admin calendar:read:instance_event:admin calendar:update:calendar:admin calendar:write:stop_channel:admin calendar:delete:acl:admin calendar:write:watch_event:admin calendar:write:quick_add_event:admin calendar:read:calendar:admin calendar:delete:calendar:admin calendar:update:setting:admin",
“api_url”: "


No unfort still an issue for me, anyone zoom devs actually monitoring this?

cc @michael.zoom @gianni.zoom ^

Hi all, looking into this!

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Hi @darren1 ,

Which of these scopes do you have applied for get /calendars/users/{userIdentifier}/calendarList endpoint?

Scopes: calendar:read,calendar:read:admin

Granular Scopes: calendar:read:list_calendar_lists

Additionally, can you please share a few more details about your app and app configurations?

Hi @davidtriba ,

Are you accessing get /calendars/users/{userIdentifier}/calendarList as well?

I don’t see calendar:read:list_calendar_lists in the response you shared and this is the granular scope you’d need.

What type of app do you have? I can see the scope in my user-managed test app:

It’s admin managed and I don’t seem to have access to enable those scopes.

I can enable 7 scopes related to calendar:read, see below:

calendar:read:acl:admin View a user’s access control rule (acl)
calendar:read:list_acl:admin View a user’s access control rules
calendar:read:color:admin View a calendar’s event color definitions
calendar:read:instance_event:admin View an event’s instances
calendar:read:calendar:admin View a calendar’s metadata
calendar:read:event:admin View an event
calendar:read:list_events:admin View events

I created a general user managed app with these scopes:

calendar:read:calendar View a calendar’s metadata
calendar:read:calendar_list View a user calendar list’s calendar
calendar:read:acl View a user’s access control rule (acl)

I’m now receiving the error message below:

“error”: {
“code”: 401,
“errors”: [
“appCode”: 0,
“domain”: “global”,
“message”: “Failed to pack result”,
“reason”: “unauthorized”
“message”: “Failed to pack result”,
“reqId”: “ZMAIL_f6403f81d29e2045c6f2a295bd4bc4d1”,
“status”: “UNAUTHORIZED”

@darren1 , happy you were able to add calendar:read:list_calendar_lists in the new app. Can you please share if your permissions were updated by the account owner?

Additionally, please confirm the account licensing type.

No permissions changed, just the new app is user managed versus app managed. My role is owner and it’s Licensed with Zoom Scheduler.

Still seeing this error

  “error”: {
  “code”: 401,
  “errors”: [
  “appCode”: 0,
  “domain”: “global”,
  “message”: “Failed to pack result”,
  “reason”: “unauthorized”
  “message”: “Failed to pack result”,
  “reqId”: “ZMAIL_f6403f81d29e2045c6f2a295bd4bc4d1”,
  “status”: “UNAUTHORIZED”

I can confirm I’ve granted access to my google calendar, within the zoom desktop app (mac) I can see all my calendars and events…

Ok I had to go to my profile and set my zmail (zoom mail) address. Not sure how this would impact things.

Only issue I see now is not being able to set relevant scopes when app is “admin managed” vs “user managed”.

@darren1 I’m glad it’s working! We will work with the API team and docs to get clarity on which endpoints can only be accessed with admin-managed vs. user-managed vs. server-to-server.

Was the resolution here that the calendar api is not supported for admin managed apps?

I have an admin managed app and I have the same issue, I don’t have the ability to add the required scopes "calendar:read:admin and calendar:read. I have the same available scopes as the table in the above comment.

Hi @specialcharacter ,

For this specific endpoint, yes. Unfortunately, I do not have a full audit of which endpoints can be access with user-managed, admin-managed or server to server at this time.

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