I cant able to get Join Url after registration has been approved by admin when Registration Settings has been kept to Manually Approve

Hi @speedmedical33, thanks for using Zoom.

Can you confirm whether you are using our SDK or the Zoom client?


Hi jon.lieblich :
We have registered your JWT and SDK in AppMarket Place
Point1 : We are using https://zoom.us/meeting#/upcoming to create a meeting
point2 : We will get the meeting ID and passcode and paste in your admin dashboard to allow to your students
point3 : We cant able to get the Join Url after registration has been approved by admin when it is Manually Approve in Manage Registrants and below i have attached the scrren shot for your reference.

Hi @speedmedical33,

Thanks for confirming. It seems like the best solution for retrieving the URL would be our REST APIs. Please post over in #api-and-webhooks and one of my extremely knowledgeable colleagues will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.


Hi @jon.zoom

Y cant you fix the issue in https://zoom.us/meeting#/upcoming it would be easy for us when it is Manage Registrants setting has been set to Manual only the problem is but when the Manage Registrants is set to Automatic everything works fine can you please solve the issue…

Hi @speedmedical33,

This forum category is only meant to assist with issues related to our Client SDK. If the #api-and-webhooks category does not meet your needs, please visit our general support page for assistance. :slightly_smiling_face:
