①I want to notify Slack of missed calls from Zoom Phone. Zoom Phone の不在着信&留守電を Slack に通知する #Slack - Qiita
I tried as described on the above page, but an error occurs when I try to set the Slack webhook URL.
(Error content is “URL validation failed. Try again later.”)
I would like to know how to deal with this.
➁In addition to ①, I would like to know the best way to manage missed calls.
Thank you for answering.
I contacted Slack.
The answer is below.
Hello, thank you for contacting us.
After looking at the screenshot you shared, we regret to inform you that the instructions provided by Zoom’s support agent (Elisa) are incorrect.
There is no need to set “Enable distribution” using the Webhook function. If you have the URL, that’s enough.
We cannot determine what Zoom has implemented to validate the webhook, but we are certain that it is a correct and valid URL.
That’s because, looking at our logs, requests sent through the webhook’s URL appear to be successful activities without any errors.
Please contact Zoom with any questions you may have regarding Zoom Phone features and how best to manage missed calls.
Unfortunately, Zoom’s missed call feature is not supported by Slack.
Here is a link to our Docs on how to validate endpoint URLs, you would have to implement this in order to validate the url and start receiving webhooks