Send 'callee phone is ringing' alert to a slack channel

I’m attempting to build an integration that would generate a notifaction in slack whenever someone calls a specific number in our environment.

I’m using the zoom phone alert “callee phone is ringing” and I’ve created a webhook URL in slack.

There are two problems right now.

  1. The webhook logs show the app is triggering on all calls. Which makes sense with how it is configured right now. However I only want it to trigger when a call is made to a specific number/callee. Is this possible?

  2. The webhooks are not making it to slack. Each entry in the zoom webhook logs shows status 400. What am I missing?

Hi @tackittj
Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help here!
To answer your questions

  1. The webhook logs show the app is triggering on all calls. Which makes sense with how it is configured right now. However, I only want it to trigger when a call is made to a specific number/callee. Is this possible?

It depends on the app type that you are creating. If you are working with a user-level OAuth app then you will only be receiving the event of the user that authorizes the app, now if it is an account-level app then you could either get the events from all users in the account or only from users that add the app.

  1. The webhooks are not making it to slack. Each entry in the zoom webhook logs shows status 400. What am I missing?

Interesting, you say you are getting a 400 status, but are you getting a payload? can you double check your URL?

Thank you so much for the tips! Right now my goal is to only get events from one user in the account. I’m happy to switch to a user-level OAuth app.

However, I am curious how I would make the existing account-level Webhook Only app only receive events from one account. Seems like a little thing but I cannot figure out how to add the app to one account. I can see in the webhook logs that it is triggering on all calls.

The “status 400”, which I assume is an HTTP 400 Bad Request error makes sense now. Slack expects to receive data in a certain format and the json sent by zoom is not compatible. Slack says to use an intermediary to format the data appropriately. I’ll likely use php or snaplogic for that intermediary.

Hi @tackittj
I am glad I was able to help!
What happens is that Webhook-only apps are only account level.
My suggestion will be to use a user-level OAuth app :slight_smile:

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