
It seems like you’re encountering an error with your Zoom SDK integration in an Angular application. The error you provided indicates an “IMPROPER_MEETING_STATE” with the reason being “closed”. This typically suggests that there’s an issue with the meeting state being improperly handled or closed unexpectedly.

     "reason" : "closed"

Looking at your code, it appears you’re trying to initialize and join a Zoom meeting using the Zoom Video SDK within your Angular application. Here are a few things to consider:

import ZoomVideo from '@zoom/videosdk';

 async startLocalStream(localVideoElement: HTMLElement): Promise<any> {
        const zoomClient = ZoomVideo.createClient();
        console.log("🚀 ~ TestService ~ startLocalStream ~ zoomClient:", zoomClient)
        this.zoomSession = zoomClient.getMediaStream();
        console.log("🚀 ~ TestService ~ startLocalStream ~ zoomSession:", this.zoomSession)
        await this.zoomSession.startVideo();
        const userVideo = await this.zoomSession.attachVideo(zoomClient.getCurrentUserInfo().userId, "720p");
        console.log("🚀 ~ TestService ~ startLocalStream ~ userVideo:", userVideo)
        return this.zoomSession;

 async connectToRoom(token: string, roomName: string, userName: string): Promise<any> {
        const zoomClient = ZoomVideo.createClient();
        console.log("🚀 ~ TestService ~ connectToRoom ~ zoomClient:", zoomClient);
        try {
            await zoomClient.init('en-US', 'Global', { patchJsMedia: true });
            await zoomClient.join(roomName, token, userName);
            this.zoomSession = zoomClient.getMediaStream();
            console.log("🚀 ~ TestService ~ returnzoomClient.join ~ this.zoomSession:", this.zoomSession);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Error during Zoom meeting initialization or join:", error);

this is my Angular Service file …

  public async zoomsdk() {
    return new Promise(async (resolved, rejected) => {
        this.testService.getzoomsdkToken().subscribe(async (response: any) => {
            console.log("🚀 ~ this.testService.getZoomsdkToken ~ response:", response)
            if (this.dual_proctoring_test) {
                const localVideoElement = this.localVideo.nativeElement;
                console.log("🚀 ~ returnnewPromise ~ localVideoElement:", localVideoElement)
                await this.testService.startLocalStream(localVideoElement);
                const token = response.VIDEO_SDK_JWT; // Assume the token is now coming from the response
                console.log("🚀 ~ this.testService.getzoomsdkToken ~ token:", token)
                const sessionName = response.sessionName; // Define your session name
                console.log("🚀 ~ this.testService.getzoomsdkToken ~ sessionName:", sessionName)
                const userName = response.userName;
                await this.testService.connectToRoom(token, sessionName, userName);
            } else {

Token Generation: Verify that your JWT token generation is correct. The token needs to be generated with the correct parameters including user_id, userName, roomName, and sessionPasscode. Make sure these parameters are properly set before generating the JWT token.

    public static generateJWTZoom(user_id: string, userName: string, roomName: string, sessionPasscode: string) {
        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
            try {
                const sdkKey = Utils.zoom_sdk_key;
                const sdkSecret = Utils.zoom_sdk_secret;
                const iat = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000) - 30;
                const exp = iat + 60 * 60 * 2;
                const oHeader = { alg: 'HS256', typ: 'JWT' };
                const oPayload = {
                    app_key: sdkKey,
                    tpc: roomName,
                    role_type: 1, // Assuming role 1 is for attendee, adjust as needed
                    session_key: '', // You may need to adjust this depending on your Zoom setup
                    user_identity: user_id,
                    version: 1,
                    iat: iat,
                    exp: exp,
                    user_name: userName, // Add userName to payload
                    session_passcode: sessionPasscode, // Add sessionPasscode to payload
                    geo_regions: "US,AU,CA,IN,CN,BR,MX,HK,SG,JP,DE,NL" // Add geo_regions to payload
                const sHeader = JSON.stringify(oHeader);
                const sPayload = JSON.stringify(oPayload);
                // Ensure sdkSecret is provided to the JWT signing function
                const sdkJWT = KJUR.jws.JWS.sign('HS256', sHeader, sPayload, sdkSecret);
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error generating Zoom JWT:', error);

Hey @gokul1342441

Thank you for your feedback and sharing the code snippet.

From what I understand, you want to preview your video before joining the session using the startLocalStream method, right?

In your code, both startVideo and attachVideo are methods that can only be called within a session. If you need to preview, you can use the localVideoTrack feature. Here’s a simple example:

const localVideo = ZoomVideo.createLocalVideoTrack();
await localVideo.start(videoElement);
