Include 'offline' event in user.presence_status_updated webhook

The user.presence_status_updated webhook triggers for all presence status updates except for a change to ‘offline’ status.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Presence integrations in third-party and custom apps are out of sync. Offline users display as available.

Describe the solution you’d like
Please consider adding a presence status change to ‘offline’ to the user.presence_status_updated webhook.

Describe alternatives you’ve considered

  1. One workaround is to subscribe to the user.signed_out webhook but this only triggers if the user explicitly signs out through the client app. If users exit the client app or shut down their computer then they are both offline and signed out but neither webhook triggers.
  2. Instead of using a webhook, the API endpoint /chat/users/me/contacts can be polled for offline users. This is not ideal due to excessive polling and loss of near real-time updates.

Hey @acb,

I’ve submitted this feature request to our engineering team and will update you when I hear more information from them in regard to if this will be implemented. (ZOOM-233515)



I would like to know if “offline” status webhook trigger will be implemented in a short time or not. Could you update us about the last status please?

Thanks so much.
Best regards.