Integrating video sdk into existing app, ios build does not work

i have tried to integrate the application into an already existing project using the react native documentation,
copied files from ios sdk,
added @zoom/react-native-videosdk with yarn,
added podfiles with arch -x86_64 pod install command,
and run arch-x86_64 yarn ios and yarn ios ,
at first i have gotten an error for having both ZoomVideoSDK.xcframework&others and pod installed symbols getting created, so i deleted xcframework files, but now i get Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 error with ios.

i have not tried android yet, im using zoom-video-sdk-ios-1.10.5 and react-native-video-sdk-1.9.5

is there something im doing wrong? from the looks of it react-native documentation is not up to date, how can i integrate videosdk into my application?

im having this error when run from xcode with rosetta

0x11af7f130 <+0>: pushq %rbp
0x11af7f131 <+1>: movq %rsp, %rbp
0x11af7f134 <+4>: pushq %r15
0x11af7f136 <+6>: pushq %r14
0x11af7f138 <+8>: pushq %r13
0x11af7f13a <+10>: pushq %r12
0x11af7f13c <+12>: pushq %rbx
0x11af7f13d <+13>: pushq %rax
0x11af7f13e <+14>: movq %rcx, %rbx
0x11af7f141 <+17>: movq %rdx, %r14
0x11af7f144 <+20>: movq %rsi, -0x30(%rbp)
0x11af7f148 <+24>: movq %rdi, %r12
0x11af7f14b <+27>: movabsq $0x7fffffffffffffff, %r13 ; imm = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
0x11af7f155 <+37>: jmp 0x11af7f180 ; <+80>
0x11af7f157 <+39>: leaq 0x1(%r13), %rcx
0x11af7f15b <+43>: addq %r15, %rcx
0x11af7f15e <+46>: movq %rcx, %rdx
0x11af7f161 <+49>: movq %r12, %rdi
0x11af7f164 <+52>: movq -0x30(%rbp), %rsi
0x11af7f168 <+56>: callq 0x11b661206 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::condition_variable::__do_timed_wait(std::__1::unique_lockstd::__1::mutex&, std::__1::chrono::time_point<std::__1::chrono::system_clock, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >)
0x11af7f16d <+61>: callq 0x11b661272 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::chrono::steady_clock::now()
0x11af7f172 <+66>: callq 0x11b661272 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::chrono::steady_clock::now()
0x11af7f177 <+71>: cmpq (%r14), %rax
0x11af7f17a <+74>: jge 0x11af7f215 ; <+229>
0x11af7f180 <+80>: movq 0x18(%rbx), %rdi
0x11af7f184 <+84>: testq %rdi, %rdi
0x11af7f187 <+87>: je 0x11af7f243 ; <+275>
0x11af7f18d <+93>: movq (%rdi), %rax
→ 0x11af7f190 <+96>: callq *0x30(%rax)
0x11af7f193 <+99>: testb %al, %al
0x11af7f195 <+101>: jne 0x11af7f232 ; <+258>
0x11af7f19b <+107>: callq 0x11b661272 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::chrono::steady_clock::now()
0x11af7f1a0 <+112>: movq (%r14), %r15
0x11af7f1a3 <+115>: cmpq %r15, %rax
0x11af7f1a6 <+118>: jge 0x11af7f215 ; <+229>
0x11af7f1a8 <+120>: callq 0x11b661272 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::chrono::steady_clock::now()
0x11af7f1ad <+125>: subq %rax, %r15
0x11af7f1b0 <+128>: jle 0x11af7f172 ; <+66>
0x11af7f1b2 <+130>: callq 0x11b661272 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::chrono::steady_clock::now()
0x11af7f1b7 <+135>: callq 0x11b66127e ; symbol stub for: std::__1::chrono::system_clock::now()
0x11af7f1bc <+140>: testq %rax, %rax
0x11af7f1bf <+143>: je 0x11af7f1e0 ; <+176>
0x11af7f1c1 <+145>: jle 0x11af7f1e4 ; <+180>
0x11af7f1c3 <+147>: movq %r13, %rcx
0x11af7f1c6 <+150>: movabsq $0x20c49ba5e353f7, %rdx ; imm = 0x20C49BA5E353F7
0x11af7f1d0 <+160>: cmpq %rdx, %rax
0x11af7f1d3 <+163>: jbe 0x11af7f1f7 ; <+199>
0x11af7f1d5 <+165>: jmp 0x11af7f1fe ; <+206>
0x11af7f1d7 <+167>: nopw (%rax,%rax)
0x11af7f1e0 <+176>: xorl %ecx, %ecx
0x11af7f1e2 <+178>: jmp 0x11af7f1fe ; <+206>
0x11af7f1e4 <+180>: movabsq $-0x20c49ba5e353f7, %rcx ; imm = 0xFFDF3B645A1CAC09
0x11af7f1ee <+190>: cmpq %rcx, %rax
0x11af7f1f1 <+193>: jb 0x11af7f157 ; <+39>
0x11af7f1f7 <+199>: imulq $0x3e8, %rax, %rcx ; imm = 0x3E8
0x11af7f1fe <+206>: movq %r13, %rax
0x11af7f201 <+209>: subq %r15, %rax
0x11af7f204 <+212>: movq %r13, %rdx
0x11af7f207 <+215>: cmpq %rax, %rcx
0x11af7f20a <+218>: jle 0x11af7f15b ; <+43>
0x11af7f210 <+224>: jmp 0x11af7f161 ; <+49>
0x11af7f215 <+229>: movq 0x18(%rbx), %rdi
0x11af7f219 <+233>: testq %rdi, %rdi
0x11af7f21c <+236>: je 0x11af7f243 ; <+275>
0x11af7f21e <+238>: movq (%rdi), %rax
0x11af7f221 <+241>: addq $0x8, %rsp
0x11af7f225 <+245>: popq %rbx
0x11af7f226 <+246>: popq %r12
0x11af7f228 <+248>: popq %r13
0x11af7f22a <+250>: popq %r14
0x11af7f22c <+252>: popq %r15
0x11af7f22e <+254>: popq %rbp
0x11af7f22f <+255>: jmpq *0x30(%rax)
0x11af7f232 <+258>: movb $0x1, %al
0x11af7f234 <+260>: addq $0x8, %rsp
0x11af7f238 <+264>: popq %rbx
0x11af7f239 <+265>: popq %r12
0x11af7f23b <+267>: popq %r13
0x11af7f23d <+269>: popq %r14
0x11af7f23f <+271>: popq %r15
0x11af7f241 <+273>: popq %rbp
0x11af7f242 <+274>: retq
0x11af7f243 <+275>: callq 0x11b3735e0 ; ___lldb_unnamed_symbol103058
0x11af7f248 <+280>: nopl (%rax,%rax)

same problem with ios and “@zoom/react-native-videosdk”: “^1.9.5”,
ios log
Undefined symbols:
Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

example didn’t start either. but when I changed the Don’t Dead-strip Inits and Terms from No to Yes in the Hcode, it worked. But the real project does not work

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