Integration between zoom and google calender

Requirement: We need to send zoom invitation emails from salesforce and update there calendar using Zoom API.

Process we followed:

Basically we have created an oauth application in the zoom app marketplace ( By using Client ID and secret, we have integrated into salesforce.

Issue : We are able to create a meeting, However Invites not receiving zoom Invitation emails, and not updating their calendar as well.

Endpoint -

Body - 
  "agenda": "My Meeting -1",
  "default_password": false,
  "duration": 30,
  "password": "123456",
  "pre_schedule": false,
  "settings": {  
    "allow_multiple_devices": true,    
    "alternative_hosts_email_notification": true,
    "approval_type": 2,
    "calendar_type": 1,  
    "contact_email": "",
    "contact_name": "sai",
    "email_notification": true,
    "encryption_type": "enhanced_encryption",
    "host_video": true,
    "jbh_time": 0,
    "join_before_host": false,  
    "meeting_authentication": true,
    "meeting_invitees": [
        "email": ""
    "mute_upon_entry": false,
    "participant_video": false,
    "private_meeting": false,
    "registrants_confirmation_email": true,
    "registrants_email_notification": true,
    "registration_type": 1,
    "show_share_button": true,
    "use_pmi": false,
    "waiting_room": false,
    "watermark": false,
    "host_save_video_order": true,
    "alternative_host_update_polls": true
  "start_time": "2023-05-04T09:00:00Z",
  "timezone": "Asia/kolkata",
  "topic": "My Meeting test-postman -3",
  "type": 2

getting success response.

But Invites not receiving any email and did not update there calendar as well.

Please let us know the end points which used to send invitation email and update calendar.
Thanks .

Hi @saisantosh.panda
I believe that the meeting_invitees field is only supported for certain integrations and I am not sure if this is supported with the Salesforces integration

I just did some testing on my end and it works if you manually schedule the meeting in your google calendar and add guests to it (then your meeting invitees will get the email)

Hi @elisa.zoom ,

Thanks for your reply.

We need to send meeting invitation on the time of creation of zoom meeting Id.
I mean how to send Invite using this end point
