Integration of Zoom through the "Public User-Managed app with OAuth 2.0" model

Hello. Can I ask you to confirm the possibility of implementing the following proposed Zoom integration model in our application?

The following model is assumed:

  1. API model: Public User-Managed app with OAuth 2.0.
  2. A user of our system using OAuth 2.0 authenticates to Zoom through our app, giving it an Access Token.
  3. Based on the Access Token received, our app creates a scheduled meeting in Zoom on behalf of the user by calling the API request (, ā€œmeā€-parameter)
  4. By getting the link to the scheduled meeting from the above method, we share it only with those users of our system who we want to invite to the meeting.

This approach allows the developer not to buy Pro-subscription, but allows the clients of his app to use Pro-subscription to avoid limitations, e.g. call duration.

Hi @neksta,

Thanks for reaching out about this and for sharing your use case. Your understanding thus far is correct and in agreement with our capabilities.

The app developer themselves would not need a particular licenseā€”but the user on whose behalf their scheduling the meeting (and retrieving the access_token from) should have a Pro license or higher, if you donā€™t want the meeting to have any duration limitations.

Let me know if you have any additional questions about this.


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