Invalid signature when join as a host in zoom link from outside account


i am using zoom web sdk version 1.9.6
I have a problem when I join as a host on the zoom url from another account outside the company, if I join as an attendee I have no problems.

the condition is, my company (Company A) has zoom account and and has api key and secret key, other company (Company B) has their zoom account and api key and secret key too.

when I join as host from the zoom url I created with my own account (company A), it runs smoothly. but when i join as host with zoom url that i got from company B, i can’t join and error signature is invalid appears. (picture 1).


on the web sdk that I installed, I only use the api key and secret key from company A, because company B doesn’t want to share its api key and secret key.

I need to join as a host, always as a host so that when the meeting is over I can end it with “end meeting for all”, so that the room becomes inactive, and to avoid the “user has another meeting in progress” notification.

is it possible for me to join as host always even though the zoom link url is from an external account? Or is there an alternative way?

or can when I join as an attende, I can do “end meeting for all”?

Terima kasih

I have same invalid signature problem, how to solve this error

@hafizakram @agus.wiranata

When using the Web SDK, you can only start meetings that are hosted by a user under your account. You’ll need to create the meeting under your Zoom account if you would like to be the host. Alternatively, the other company can use their own credentials to host the meeting.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hey Max,

Ok I understand what you mean.
maybe I will discuss again with company B, and try to find other alternative ways.
I still have some ideas, the first way is for company A to create a custom API that functions to create meetings based on company A’s account, where this API will be used by company B to create meetings. or the second way is for company B to create a custom API that functions for end all meetings based on company B’s account, where this API will be used by company A to end active user meetings.

Terima kasih

Glad Max could help clarify @agus.wiranata :slight_smile:

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