Is it necessary to publish my app in the zoom market place app to be able to use the OAuth app in my production applications?

I implemented the Oauth and I use the zoom endpoints to create meeting from my own mobile app and I see that there are two Client ID one for development and one for production, my mobile app is only going to be used by teachers, but in the zoom documentation it says that I need to detail the steps to install my zoom app in case other people want to implement my zoom app, but I do not want anyone else to use my zoom app, this is where my doubt comes out, is it necessary to put my zoom app in the market place to use the credentials (Client ID and Client secret) of production?

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Hi @jonciverka ,

Are you using this application internally with teachers all under the same Zoom account? What is the intended functionality of the app?


Hi, yes te teachers create meetings

@jonciverka are they all under the same Zoom account?

Please clarify the intended functionality of the app.

Thank you!