Is it possible to force cloud recording


Right now we are working on an application that allows people on our site to set up meetings with others. For compliance concerns we want everything to be recorded on the cloud. We have set the cloud recording value to true, and the automatic recording to cloud. Is there a place in the API to set the following?

Host can pause/stop the auto recording in the cloud 


Which seems to be available in the GUI settings. Also, can we lock the recording pane for users who log in themselves? In other words, what’s the closest we can get to forced complete recording?


Now you can pause/stop the auto recording in the cloud by update the user settings.

As for locking the recording pane, you can connect our support team.

We see the following under User Management/Users/specific user/settings/recording : “Host can pause/stop the auto recording in the cloud” I think this is locking the recording pane. It seems to in BETA stage - is it possible to change this value in API? The cloud recording works with the API.

@Christopher_Sugrue, :+1:

I also need this feature: Host can pause/stop the auto recording in the cloud to be settable via the API.

Hi @nick

Apologies for the delayed response.

Thank you for requesting these features. I will be passing this request to our developers, and I will update this thread once the features are added.

Please let me know if you require anything else.