Is TDD necessary if Zoom App is added from our web app?


I am working on a web application for a client, and it uses Zoom integration (is similar to Calendly, but simpler). Once Zoom is integrated into our User’s account from the Web App all we do is use the access and refresh token to generate a Meeting Link along with a Meeting Id and Password.

I have a few question s regarding TDD:

  1. Is TDD necessary if the Zoom application is used inside our web app (like Calendly) and is not available in marketplace for everyone?

  2. In Section 1.4 (Application development )of the TDD document, what happens if we don’t provide any document/reports? Are they mandatory? We don’t save any user data from zoom like emails and names, only the access and refresh tokens.

Our web app is secured with HTTPS and TLS. Also we will use Zoom integration like I mentioned above, just for generating meeting links, so we can make our users appointments easier to manage. Which means that the user accesses a link and authorizes the scopes meeting:read, meeeting:write and user:read.

Thank you for your time!

Hi @stoian.lucian28 , if you would like to publish the app, TDD is necessary for the security review. As for section 1.4, just explain that to the best of your ability. The TDD is looked at holistically.