Is there a way to bring existing instance of Zoom's activity to the front?

I have only one Activity in my application. Let’s call it Activity A. This activity has android:launchMode=“singleTask” in it’s tag in AndroidManifest.

I launch zoom by calling meetingService.joinMeetingWithParams(), which as far as I can tell, starts it’s own activity internally.

When the user goes back to home screen by pressing the Home button, and relaunches my app using the app launcher icon - Activity A is brought to the front. The Zoom meeting is still going on. I can hear the audio. I can see the notification in the tray. But there is no way for me to navigate to the Zoom Activity from my app. User can navigate through the notification, but I want to navigate them to the right place in my app.

I was hoping there was a function of the kind

bringMeetingUIToTheFront(). Something similar to what happens when notification is clicked : Disable zoom on going notification when meeting started - #2 by Carson_Chen

Which Android Meeting SDK version?
Zoom meetings Android SDK version

Additional context
My app is a react native app and it needs android:launchMode=“singleTask” in the MainActivity manifest for deep linking to work probably. So it’s not possible for me tor remove that from my MainActivity.

Hi @neeraj1, thanks for using our SDK.

Does the returnToMeeting method accomplish what you are looking for?


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