Issue on pausing screen share


Link to pause stream API

    if (shareScreenStatus === ShareStatus.Paused) {
      zoomStream?.resumeShareScreen().then(() => {'resume share screen success!');
      }).catch((error) => {
        console.error('resume share screen failed:', error);
    } else if (shareScreenStatus === ShareStatus.Sharing) {
      zoomStream?.pauseShareScreen().then(() => {'pause share screen success!');
      }).catch((error) => {
        console.error('pause share screen failed:', error);

even though pauseShareScreen returns successful. screen share does not really get’s pause. Thus not able to reach resume Share screen. when the button is pressed again.
it seems like bug to me. Does anyone else have same issue?

Hey there :wave:

Thanks for pointing this out - I will take a look at this and see what I can come up with. Let me know if you get any other errors in the meantime that might be helpful.

Have not gotten to this yet - but should have time by the end of the week.

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