Issues with Refresh Token and Access Token Renewal for Zoom API

Dear Zoom Support Team and Fellow Developers,

I am currently utilizing the Zoom API to create webinars, register participants, retrieve reports, and perform other related tasks.
Our application executes these API calls programmatically, and we ensure to update the refresh token before each API call. Additionally, we perform regular refresh token updates within the validity period (90 days) of the refresh token. Despite this, we sometimes encounter failures in refreshing the token, which subsequently leads to API execution failures.

Here is an example of the error we are encountering:
Code: 0
Response Message: Invalid Token!

Code: 124
Response Message: Invalid access token.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues with refresh token and access token renewal?
Could you please share any insights or solutions that might help us understand the potential causes for these failures and how to resolve them?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards.

Hi @devops3
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help!
If you manage your access tokens and refresh tokens correctly, you should not face this issue.
I wonder if when you refresh those tokens regularly, you run into a situation where you update a refresh token that was previously refreshed after making a certain API call; so basically a situation where you are overlapping tokens?