It is said that the SDK signature authentication process, which worked well before the app was released, is not valid after the app is released


Since the launch of the CurisAll app, it has been said that the signature required to use the meeting SDK is invalid.

I referred to several documents and QnA, but there does not seem to be any problem in the process of creating the current signature.

Is there anything that needs to be changed after the app is launched?

For reference, the skd key and sdk secret are used to create the signature, and there were no problems during pre-release testing.

@healthoncloud could you share more details such as

Type of SDK Platform (Web, Windows, Android etc…)
SDK Version
Operating System

I might need to get more logs from you depending on the response above.

Please tag me @chunsiong.zoom in your response


The web sdk is currently being used, and the version is 3.1.0.

I looked further and found something strange.

The signatrue error does not occur with a developer account.

When using the SDK with a normal account, it says that the signature is incorrect.

In this case, why doesn’t a signature error occur in the developer account? We are currently continuing to look for the problem. help…!


@healthoncloud I do not fully understand these point, could you elaborate more on these 2 points?

The meeting SDK platform is Web.

The version is 3.1.0.

To participate in the meeting, jwt (signature) is received from the CurisAll server.

The Zoom account linked to CurisAll works without problems if it is a Zoom app developer account.


If the Zoom account linked to CurisAll is a regular Zoom account, error code 3712 is returned and the meeting function does not work.


@healthoncloud ,

Here’s something which is top of mind.

Your application is published, hence your developer account’s credentials would be able to join external meeting.

However if you are using customer’s credential, I’m assuming most of their application on their developer account would not be published. Hence they will not be able to join external meeting.

There might be other issues which is causing 3712, but this is the first thing which comes to mind.


Thanks for your reply.

How do I ensure that users who have added the CurisAll app can use the Meeting SDK without issues?

I expected that after the app was published, general users would be able to hold meetings within our platform using the Meeting SDK.

Is there a scope to set in the CurisAll app for general users to start a meeting with the Meeting SDK?

Currently, the scope consists of meeting:write, user_info:read, and user_zak:read.


I expected that after the app was published, general users would be able to hold meetings within our platform using the Meeting SDK.

This is true if and only if you are using the credentials associated with the published Meeting SDK App.

If you are using someone else’s credentials, they WILL need to publish their Meeting SDK App as well.

How do I ensure that users who have added the CurisAll app can use the Meeting SDK without issues?

  1. If you need to schedule meeting on behalf of your customers, you will have a OAuth application with the necessary scope.

  2. Important: The Meeting SDK should still be using your JWT token.