Join fails with "Appkey review status exception"

@fourwaves ,

Your app should be able to join the public meeting now. Can you check and let me know if you encounter any issues?

Thanks for the feedback @donte.zoom, unfortunately it is not working. I’m trying to access a meeting (ID: 81106865300) and I still get this error: “Appkey review status exception”. Please note that this meeting requires a password.

@fourwaves ,
Thanks for the update! I will look into this and get back to you.

@fourwaves, Can you confirm if you are using the Production Client ID for the Fourwaves SDK App ?

@donte.zoom We don’t use a client ID. We only use the SDK key together with the SDK secret.

  1. The user load the page. A request is done to the back-end.
  2. The back-end, using the SDK secret key, generate a signature. The signature contains a payload similar to this. The signature is sent to the front-end.
var payload = new JwtPayload
    { "sdkKey", _zoomSettings.ZOOM_SDK_KEY },
    { "mn", meetingNumber },
    { "role", isHost ? 1 : 0 },
    { "iat", (int)(now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds - 30 },
    { "exp", tsAccessExp },
    { "appKey", _zoomSettings.ZOOM_SDK_KEY },
    { "tokenExp", tsAccessExp }
  1. The user join the meeting using the info from the back-end.
          sdkKey: info.sdkKey,
          signature: info.signature,
          meetingNumber: info.meetingNumber,
          userName: user.fullName,
          passWord: info.meetingPassword ? info.meetingPassword : undefined,

Okay, thanks for confirming, @fourwaves! I’ve opened a ticket [Z-107682] for this and will keep you posted on what I learn.


Can you please provide a screenshot of the error you are seeing? Additionally, could you give us a detailed step-by-step explanation of when and how the error is being triggered? We are currently collaborating with the engineering team to address this issue. If possible, it would be helpful if you could also share a video demonstrating the steps to reproduce the error.

Also, please confirm if you are able to join your meetings. But you can’t join meeting for other accounts

Also, as a test, can you add your redirect URL to the Allow list for your published App?

@donte.zoom Could you please open a private discussion with me so I can share private details with you?

Yes, I will PM so you can share those details privately.

Hello @chunsiong.zoom

I am experiencing this issue. I understand that the Meeting SD\k has to be published. However the documentation says there are is a way to request for written permission.

My platform is being used by universities to personalise virtual experiences and open days for students. This doesn’t relate to most of the apps on the Zoom marketplace.

I am wondering how I can get the permission for this exception. I can’t seem to find any information on the how in the documentation.

Thank you.


I would recommend you to publish your application. This does not necessarily mean that your application is available for everyone to use.

The publish process is for us to vet the legit use case of your solution, which requires a external meeting join.

The “written permission” is not requested, but granted to existing users during the transition phrase when we rolled out the “Appkey review status exception” update.