Join meeting after sdk version not working

Getting the following error while starting to join the meeting, automatically closes the meeting screen after joining in a few seconds

01: D/BluetoothHeadset: Binding service…
02: I/ZoomSDK: setDomain, set Zoom domain as
03: I/InitAuthSDKHelper: onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=0, internalErrorCode=0
04: I/ZoomSDKExample: onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=0, internalErrorCode=0
05: D/CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147798919; UID 10523; state: DISABLED
06: W/Settings: Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
07: D/CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 10523; state: ENABLED
08: D/ZoomSDKExample: onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING
09: I/MobileRTCVideoView: surfaceCreated group index =108198026
10: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onGLSurfaceChanged group index =108198026, width=1557, height=678
11: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onGLSurfaceChanged group index =108198026, width=1557, height=678
12: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onGLSurfaceChanged: groupIndex = 108198026, width=1557, height=678
13: I/MobileRTCVideoView: startRender: group index = 108198026
14: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onGLSurfaceChanged: groupIndex = 108198026, width=1557, height=678
15: D/ZoomSDKExample: onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_DISCONNECTING
16: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onDestroy: group index = 108198026
17: D/ZoomSDKExample: onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_IDLE
18: I/MobileRTCVideoView: surfaceDestroyed group index =108198026
19: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onDestroy: group index = 108198026
20: D/iEvent: onAppBackgrounded
21: D/iEvent: onAppBackgrounded

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