Unable to start meeting Android

We had added ZOOM SDK to Android application and it was working fine; but from last few days we are experiencing issues with zoom meetings.

While starting meet from Android application using

zoomSDK.getMeetingService().joinMeetingWithParams(getApplicationContext(), params, opts);

the application redirect to video activity (aka starts the meet) and after initialising the camera it exits without giving any error code or any footprint of error logs (Error logs are observed in Logcat from Android Studio IDE; also logs are mentioned below).

01: D/BluetoothHeadset: Binding service...
02: I/ZoomSDK: setDomain, set Zoom domain as zoom.us
03: I/InitAuthSDKHelper: onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=0, internalErrorCode=0
04: I/ZoomSDKExample: onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=0, internalErrorCode=0
05: D/CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147798919; UID 10523; state: DISABLED
06: W/Settings: Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
07: D/CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 10523; state: ENABLED
08: D/ZoomSDKExample: onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING
09: I/MobileRTCVideoView: surfaceCreated group index =108198026
10: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onGLSurfaceChanged group index =108198026, width=1557, height=678
11: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onGLSurfaceChanged group index =108198026, width=1557, height=678
12: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onGLSurfaceChanged: groupIndex = 108198026, width=1557, height=678
13: I/MobileRTCVideoView: startRender: group index = 108198026
14: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onGLSurfaceChanged: groupIndex = 108198026, width=1557, height=678
15: D/ZoomSDKExample: onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_DISCONNECTING
16: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onDestroy: group index = 108198026
17: D/ZoomSDKExample: onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_IDLE
18: I/MobileRTCVideoView: surfaceDestroyed group index =108198026
19: I/MobileRTCVideoView: onDestroy: group index = 108198026
20: D/iEvent: onAppBackgrounded
21: D/iEvent: onAppBackgrounded

Smartphone Used: Android (11 and 12)

What version of the zoom sdk are you using?

Zoom implemented a minimum version requirement on August 12.

Q: What version of the zoom sdk are you using?
A: We have updated to v5.11.3.7251 this version but still having problems with join meet from Android application.

Behaviour: On start of meet, for a few seconds zoom UI is visible(video from host side is visible for approx 2 Sec.) but exits without giving any error.

Hello Chung!

Could you please share it with me as well?

Thank you!

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