“join_time” & “leave_time” timezone in Webinar Participants Reports API

Hi …i am facing issue with “join_time” & “leave_time” time zone in WebinarParticipantsReports API Reponse…

While Creating Webinar i am setting “timezone” key to “Asia/Calcutta” and Webinar is created with correct timezone…We hosted the webinar around 24 april 2020 Noon 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. …And our members attended it…

Once the webinar is completed,while fetching participants report data we get as follows

“attentiveness_score”: “”,
“duration”: 728,
“id”: “ZG-Zm0oeTruD-B-JEyHmkA”,
“join_time”: “2020-04-24T10:09:21Z”,
“leave_time”: “2020-04-24T10:21:29Z”,
“name”: “XXXX”,
“user_email”: “XXXXXXX@gmail.com”,
“user_id”: “445455456”

Why it is showing wrong (hope it shows time in another timezone) time for join & leave time…
How to Resolve this?..Pls help…

thank you

Hi @myknowledgeparkapp,

The join and leave time are in the UTC time zone (as indicated by the trailing “Z” in the time string), so you should convert it yourself into the webinar timezone or whatever other timezone you are interested in.

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Hey @myknowledgeparkapp,

@v.hristov is correct! :slight_smile:

Let us know if you have additional questions.
