For joining a meeting JoinParam requires meeting Number and vanity ID provided. However, I am receiving a meetingUrl (which might as well be a personal meeting link) as a input and would like to join using that.
So, is there a way to join using meetingUrl or some utility to extract Meeting Number and Vanity ID from the url ?
Thanks for using Zoom SDK. May I inquire a sample of the meeting URL you are referring to? Our SDK only handles the required information in the start/join meeting parameters. If you are getting a meeting URL like, then you can parse the meeting number out of the URL and pass it to our SDK to start/join a meeting.
As you suggested to for meeting urls like, we can parse it and get the meeting number to pass to join params. However, personal links do not contain meeting number i.e. they are of format So, how do you suggest, we join such meetings ?