Joining Fail with Error Code 1

still waiting for your response.

thank you

Hey @vikasphp.shinedezign,

The Zoom Web Client is back up.

Please see latest update here for the Web SDK:


Im having the same issue , I read some comment here from oct 19
that says its only available to “developer” type of an account

I want to implement zoom in my website for my users to user while they attend to zoom meeting , is it possible ? how ?
thank you

HI @aviram7168,

You can use our WebSDK to implement Zoom meetings/webinars within your website. Also if you need to embed within a website then you can follow this thread - Embed Zoom into Website

Hi @michael_p.zoom
sorry i wasnt clear enough,

I an using the WebSDK with

ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib('', '/av'); 

and JWT Api

and it works perfectly for meetings that Im hosting ,
but if I want to connect to other meeting its firing me “1” error code on “join”.

why is that?
beacuse the host is not developer ?
am I doing something wrong ?


Hey @aviram7168,

For joining other meetings outside of your Zoom account, make sure you are setting the role to 0.


Hai i am able to create the meeting and join as host ,but when i try to join as attendee getting this error

  1. errorCode: 1
  2. errorMessage: “Fail to join the meeting.”
  3. method: “join”
  4. result: “The current sdk version doesn’t support register meeting/webinar, please upgrade to the latest version.”
  5. status: false

For the above error this is the code i have written i don’t want the attendees to register for meeting how should
“host_video”: true,
“participant_video”: true,
“cn_meeting”: false,
“in_meeting”: false,
“join_before_host”: true,
“mute_upon_entry”: true,
“watermark”: false,
“use_pmi”: false,
“approval_type”: 1,
“registration_type”: 0,
“enforce_login”: false,
“enforce_login_domains”: “”,
“alternative_hosts”: “”,
“registrants_email_notification”: false

Hey @pavanschoovideos,

Please see my post here:
