"Joining meeting timeout. The meeting number is not found." using meetingsdk-react-sample

Can’t run event a sample projects in my local.
I’m running this:
FE: GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-react-sample: Use the Zoom Meeting SDK in React
BE: GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-auth-endpoint-sample: Generate a Meeting SDK JWT to join Zoom meetings and webinars with the Meeting SDK.
I use macbook. I tried with npm and yarn, the same issue.

Browser Console Error

    "method": "join",
    "status": false,
    "result": "The meeting number is not found.",
    "errorMessage": "The meeting number is not found.",
    "errorCode": 3707

Which Web Meeting SDK version?
"@zoomus/websdk": "^2.15.2",

Meeting SDK Code Snippets
all the same from the sample github projects. I only changed these varialbes:

var authEndpoint = 'http://localhost:4000'
  var sdkKey = '[Client ID from https://marketplace.zoom.us/develop/apps/]'
  var meetingNumber = '123456789'
  var passWord = ''
  var role = 0
  var userName = 'React'
  var userEmail = ''
  var registrantToken = ''
  var zakToken = ''
  var leaveUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. git pull all project
  2. yarn install both
  3. yarn start both
  4. open localhost:3000 (client side)
  5. Click on ‘Join Meeting’
  6. See error

I’m happy to provide, but when I’m adding it, it says ‘An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.’. :roll_eyes:
Basically it shows a modal that saying:

Joining meeting timeout.
The meeting number is not found.

with ‘Retry’ ‘OK’ buttons

Troubleshooting Routes

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: MacBook Air
  • OS: 13.4 (22F66)
  • Browser: Chrome, Brave, all browsers
  • Browser Version Version 116.0.5845.140 (Official Build) (arm64)

Additional context

@zoomdevts ,

did you host an instance of the signature generator on localhost:4000?


Is the clientID from a meeting sdk app type?

Do you also happen to have

  • sample JWT token provided by the signature generator service
  • code snippet on react project where you are joining the meeting?

@zoomdevts , do you have a sample of the JWT Token which was generated?

Just to confirm, you have use the REST API or Zoom.us portal to scheduled a meeting before attempting to join right?

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