JS errorMessage: "Invalid signature."


i’m trying to use the 1.3.8 JS viewer to build a “internal corporate TV” with zoom (that we already have)

i’m using the GitHub demo (https://github.com/zoom/sample-app-web) but

the signature made by some JS script is invalid for zoom server

what about ?

thanks for future answer !


Hi @antoine.thierry,

Can you post the exact error that you see in the browser tools? Also do you have the API Key/secret entered in the index.js file?


Hi michael !

i found the answer a few hours ago

reason : do not use “-” in the zoom meeting id’s

it was not written where i go. i changed the JS implementation, then i debugged, then i find, then it works



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Glad that you were able to find the answer, we’ll update our documentation to include notes about not using the “-” for meeting IDs.



I’m trying to use the 1.7.10 JS viewer (CDN version) (https://github.com/zoom/sample-app-web), but I get error “Signuture is invalid” when I enter real meeting number, example (***********, no password, no email, attendee ).

It would be great if you can help me with this.

thanks for future answer !


*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

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hi, how r u, i am having isseu, i used web sample app for client, and jwt api, but whn client uses its api, and my meeting number, it show invalid signature, but whn i use my meeting number it work? does one app connect to one meeting number?

hello, but we don’t include the “-” for meeting IDs, only numbers like “***********” and this don’t work here.

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

sorry didnt ger? i dont added - in id, and what dont work here? does zoom app api work for one email account?

yes, this don’t work (ID without slashes) and we tried it for two email accounts.

Hey @j.amelsberg, @zmalik976,

Please share your Web SDK signatures to developersupport@zoom.us so I can debug the issue.


hello @tommy,

it works. I use SDK but put JWT settings in config. thank you!

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[signature redacted]

Hi,I’m trying to use the Zoom Web SDK ( Local Install) (I use the exmple with right apiKey and apiSecret : https://github.com/zoom/sample-app-web.git), but I get error “Signuture is invalid” when I enter real meeting number, example (meetingNumber: ***********, passWord:, no email, attendee ). I don’t include the “-” for meeting IDs, only numbers.

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Hey,I’m trying to use the Zoom Web SDK ( Local Install) (I use the exmple with right apiKey and apiSecret : https://github.com/zoom/sample-app-web.git), but I get error “Signuture is invalid” when I enter real meeting number, example (meetingNumber: ***********, passWord:, no email, attendee ). I don’t include the “-” for meeting IDs, only numbers.

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Happy to help! :slight_smile:


Hey @zmalik976,

After base 64 decoding your signature, it looks like you are not setting the role when generating the signature.


Hey @zhaowentao,

What is the Web SDK signature you are generating so I can debug it?


thanks, The problem has been solved。Because i missed the apiKey with the appKey. :blush:

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Hi, I’ve also cloned the sample-app-web (CDN), added my API key and secret but I still get the “signature is invalid” error.

Here are more information:
Meeting number: ***********
Meeting pwd:
role: 0


*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Sorry I’ve just found out that I need to use JWT Key and Secret to make it work.

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