Json response form Get Account’s call logs returns a null value for callee_number_source and caller_number_source for internal.**

**API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s): Get account’s call logs https://developers.zoom.us/docs/api/rest/reference/phone/methods/#operation/accountCallLogs


Json response form Get Account’s call logs returns a null value for callee_number_source and caller_number_source for internal.

API Documentation shows internal, external and byop.

Why would the value be null?


The full error message or issue you are running into, where applicable.

How To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

1. Request URL / Headers (without credentials or sensitive info like emails, uuid, etc.) / Body https://api.zoom.us/v2/phone/call_logs

2. Authentication method or app type Server Application

3. Any errors No

Hey @CloudDev
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Allow me some time to do some testing on my end and I will come back with an update soon.
Is is correct to assume that this is a duplicated post?


Hi Elisa,
Yes, it appears to be a duplicate. Thank You!

Hi @NobleOne and @CloudDev
Is this issue the same for both of you?
Can you confirm that you are getting the values for callee_number_source and caller_number_source as null in all your get requests?

For external, we are getting external.
For internal we get a Null for all requests

Hi @NobleOne
I will send you a private message to follow up, since I am not able to replicate this behavior

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