JTW app - "Invalid access token." error on API calls

Hello, same issue here, my account number is 125545501. Thanks

same issue @Tommy. 51566797

nvm. seems to be working now :slight_smile:

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Hey @bobby,

Happy to hear you got it working! :slight_smile:


Hey @srimathys2001, @kartheek.nagasuri, @soocheesy,

This issue has already been resolved. Please post a new topic with details about your issue / error, the API you are calling, and steps to reproduce.

You can also try regenerating your JWT Secret.


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Have the same issue

Account: 129824456

Having the same issue using the wordpress plugin…
Account: 57567266

I was reading the message wrong…

After you enter your keys. Do save changes before doing “Check API Connection”.

I was reading it as “Do not save changes…”
After first saving changes, then Check API I am receiving: API connection is good. Please refreh

Hi @keith.ong there are many reasons why your access token could be invalid. I would suggest opening a new post with details on your request, JWT generation, and response.

help me same issues on my account no 5000715977
Exception when calling UsersApi->userCreate: [401] Client error: POST https://api.zoom.us/v2/users resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}

getting error always from last 2 days please fix and let me know asap.

Hey @vijendra,

It looks like someone from our team sent you an email in regard to this issue. We’ll be sure to follow-up with you there.


Hey @shrijana.g
yes i’m getting email from support side but still not fix my issues . Please let me know why i’m every time getting same error see below.

I deactivated, regenerated a new API credentials for JWT App, then used the JWT Token for testing purposes and I’m still getting the same issue "401 Unauthorized` response: {“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}

Exception when calling UsersApi->user: [401] Client error: GET https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/12345?login_type=login_type_example resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}

Exception when calling MeetingsApi->meetingDelete: [401] Client error: DELETE https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/85969727106?occurrence_id=occurrence_id_example resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}

Hii @MaxM

my account id 5000715977. please check .

Hi @vijendra,

I’ve emailed you privately to help troubleshoot. Please follow up with me there.

Thank you,

Hello Support,

I am facing the same issue (Invalid access token) using our ZoomGov account. My account ID is 190001973. Can someone help me out to get this resolved since there are deliverables lined up based on Zoom API Integration.

Hi @swerveadmin,

If you’re using a token from your ZoomGov account, please double check that you’re using the correct base URL in your API requests:
zoomgov.com instead of zoom.us

For example—the endpoint to get a list of users:

Let me know if you still get an error when using the zoomgov base URL.


Hi @will.zoom,

Thank you so much. We are able to access the API’s now by changing the API URL.

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Hey @swerveadmin,

Thank you for the update. I’m glad to hear that @will.zoom resolved your issues! If you have any further issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Hi @MaxM
Can you please check my account 7007452328. I’m getting the same error:
{“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}

Hey @dschindl,

Please submit a new topic and fill out the post template so we have enough information to help. Specifically, please provide the request URL and body that you’re using when you see this issue.
