Launch External App or a URL, Currently launchs on Ring. Option to launch on Answer

In zoom phone settings you can add an app or url to launch for incoming calls. This is a great feature that loads our ERP system with the cunstomer infomation automatically, and our customer interaction tracking solution.

The problem is our front of house staff, how are also our call centre get lots of walk up customers. If they forget to change there zoom phone status, and miss 5 phone calls (we run a hunt group so someone else will pick up the call) when they come back they will have 10 new tabs open.

If we had the option to choose when the external app or URL is opened, and have the option of when the zoom phone user answers the call, this would fix our issue.

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Agreed. This is a bit of a nuisance. Having the page pop on answer would ensure it appears when needed only.