List Chat Mesages

I am trying to list chat message from a user channel. I am using the oauth connection method which seems to work OK. I have question, does Zoom maintain chat messages from a channel for a certain length of time or are they kept by zoom until deleted?

In other words if I would like to list chat message from a channel from a few weeks ago are they still possible to list?


Hey @moneil,

Yes your messages will still be possible to list, they are not deleted based on time.


Thanks Tommy… can you tell me where the Chat messages are stored? I am using the List Chat API with a valid channel ID but can’t seem to find the messages. I keep getting an error message of:

The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

Hey @moneil,

Can you share which Chat API you are using so we are on the same page?


Hi Tommy … I got the List Chat Messages working OK. Where does Zoom read those messages from?

Are they stored on Zoom or are they kept on each PC?

How long are messages kept if kept on Zoom somewhere?


Another question I had was for the List Chat Message API using the Channel. The documentation says to enter a date to view those messages in the channel. Is there an option to use a span of dates (from/to) or is one(1) date the limit for viewing messages,

Thanks Tommy

Hey @moneil,

Happy to hear you got the List Chat Messages API working! :slight_smile:

Zoom Chat is a cloud product, feel free to read more here:

For specific questions about the Zoom Chat product, feel free to reach out to

As for the date, it is just one date at this time. Feel free to add a feature request here for expanded filtering: #feature-requests


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